The Ultimate Water

Wherever we may be on the journey, God will never stop providing what we need to grow.

My hubby and I built raised beds back in the winter. We wanted to try to grow more of our own food and we wanted them to be at a height where my parents could enjoy working in them without having to bend over too far and risk injuring themselves. They still aren’t finished, but we planted anyway. We plan to install drip irrigation and ordered all of the components. Unfortunately, we have not had the time to install it.

But, God has been so good to us during this season of transition and we have had one of the wettest and coolest summers we can remember. We haven’t been required to do too much watering because of all of the rain and yet, we have been blessed with abundance. We have been cutting lettuce and picking cherry tomatoes to eat in our salads all summer. Daddy and I share stories almost daily, of the new growth we witness.

Our latest find has been tiny watermelons. The vines have been all over the place, but they are finally bearing some melons.

Our garden, even unfinished, has been a blessing.

When we have had to water, my Daddy has set up the perfect sprinkler system. He figured out just where to place it to hit most all of the beds without having to readjust much.

Last week, the typical Georgia summer appeared. It’s been dry and we have hit temperatures in the 90’s. As I was walking through the garden a couple of days ago, after work, I was alarmed to see that everything looked wilted, especially the watermelon vines.

Since Daddy had plans for the day, I set out a plan to get everything watered early the next morning. First, I realized I needed a 2nd hose. After I finally got the water going, I found that the boxes in the back weren’t getting water. When I moved the sprinkler, I still found dry spots. But, I was determined to get the much needed water on all of those wilted plants that were depending on me.

As I struggled with the hose, I was reminded that God does the same for us. When we belong to Him and are doing His work, He sends us what we need. Sometimes it’s more encouragement and blessings than we could ever hope for and sometimes we end up feeling a little wilted, but even then, He will keep reaching out to us until we have what we need to continue to grow.

After all, He sent us the ultimate living water, when He sent us Jesus. His love and provision never fails.

My garden reminds me that God will always send us what we need to thrive doing His work and that we will never be truly complete on this side of eternity. That has always been part of the plan. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too!

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂

For my regular readers, I apologize for my sporadic posts. I started a new job in June and my husband and I are trying to move. I have not had much white space to write. I hope to be more settled soon!

Categories: Building Christian Character, Trusting God, Watching for God | 2 Comments

Living with Prayerful Gratitude

We should never underestimate the power of prayerful gratitude.

Recently, my hubby and I, let our dogs out to run in their new home. They are used to being in a fenced in yard in a suburb, but now they have many acres in the country. Naturally, they love the freedom. It’s truly a delight to watch them run and usually, they come right back when we call. A few weeks ago, they didn’t.

We were in the middle of a serious renovation project, trying to get it completed by the time my new job started and they went missing. We stopped working and started looking for them and calling. We called and called and at some point, we split up. He went one way and I went the other.

Finally, they came running from where I was calling and I yelled to my husband that I found them.

We went back to work.

Last weekend, we were having our morning coffee and talking about our stress in this current season. We reminded each other that we know that God is with us because of all of the prayer involved in our plans and the affirmations He has continuously sent along the way.

My hubby asked me if I remembered the day when our dogs went missing. Of course I remembered.

He went on to tell me a part of the story that I didn’t know.

He said he went up towards the road to look for our pups fearful that they might have been hit by a car. He ended up in the small orchard of fruit trees that we planted in the fall. He said he stopped to look at them and was amazed at how green and healthy they all were. We planted eight and all were flourishing beyond anything we could have imagined. He said he stopped calling the dogs and said a prayer of thanks.

He said he told God that those thriving fruit trees could have only come from His blessing and humbly admitted that there was nothing in his own power that could have made them thrive the way they have and he thanked Him for providing. He then confessed that he had a lot of work to do and asked God to help us find our dogs.

He said almost immediately, I yelled that I had found them.

As he shared a previously unknown part of the story, my eyes filled with tears. I was reminded that God is always listening even when we don’t think He is. I was reminded of the power of a praying spouse, or friend or any brother or sister in Christ. I was reminded of the power of giving thanks maybe not for all circumstances, but in all circumstances. There is always something to be thankful for.

Our morning discussion gave me the encouragement I needed and reminded me of the power and peace that come from prayerful gratitude. Perhaps you needed reminding too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂


Categories: Trusting God, Watching for God | 2 Comments

Have a Great Weekend

No post today.  Have a great weekend!

Wendy 🙂

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Embracing the Journey

We may not know what the future holds, but we worship the God who does.

This past week has been extra busy for me. My hubby and I are moving back to my hometown to be closer to my parents. My last day at my job was last Friday and I will start a new job in June. We have been cleaning out our house of eighteen plus years which has been bittersweet. My kids grew up in this house and it’s filled with wonderful memories. It was such a blessing to have it when they both were sent home from college due to Covid. We all worked from home that spring and into summer and I’ll have to admit, I will always treasure the extra time I got to spend with them.

But, with two college graduates, our house now feels too big.

My hubby and I have known for some time that we would like to downsize and live more simply. I was flipping through one of my journals a couple of weeks ago and saw that on New Year’s Day 2020, I wrote about wanting to live more simply and have a big garden to help us live more independently.

Honestly, the entry filled me with tears of gratitude. I had forgotten all about the little seed that God had planted in my heart well before we had ever even heard of Covid. My desire grew more intensely during the pandemic, but that wasn’t where it was born. I had no idea what was coming, but God did and He was busy preparing.

I had no idea that the sleepy little rural town where we raised our kiddos would be overrun with growth due to the pandemic or that builders from out of town would aspire to build a house on every available strip of grass, but God knew. He knew about the extra traffic. He knew we would be ready for a slower pace and He prepared a way.

I had no idea that my hubby and I would both feel called to move and to start our next chapter in a new town, but God knew and He prepared both of our hearts.

It’s hard not to be a little nostalgic as I sort through old boxes filled with toys and my children’s art. I am so very thankful for God’s blessings on our story up until this point, but since He has called us somewhere else, my faith tells me that He is still working and writing new chapters for us. My job is to pray, trust, listen and follow His lead.

My Daddy has helped us plant the big garden I wrote about three years ago. We already have tiny tomatoes and squash. Daddy grew up farming and his skills are really appreciated now. God was preparing him too.

I pray for the new family who will live in this house. I pray that they will make beautiful memories and when I am tempted to look backwards instead of forwards, I pray that God will remind me that we are all travelers here and that as long as I am on this side of eternity, my story is still in progress and so is yours. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂


Categories: Trusting God | 4 Comments

Finding God in the Storm

Sometimes the rainy seasons are when we can see God most clearly.

Last week on our way back home from my parents’ house, I was following my hubby’s truck. I was a little amused at the route he decided to take that day because he usually chooses a different way. I got stopped at a light when we turned and slow car got between us. I’ll have to admit I was a little annoyed and on top of that, the sky above had turned ominously dark.

I completely lost sight of my husband, but I drove on, enjoying the music on the radio hoping the rain would hold out. When I reached the busy four way stop that we go through all of the time, my car suddenly lost all power and stopped. I tried to restart it, but to no avail. I grabbed my phone and called my hubby and told him what had happened.

As I waited for him to come back, a young man pulled up in a truck beside me and asked if I needed help. I told him my car had died and my husband was on the way. The first drops of rain began to fall when he asked if I wanted him to push me off of the road. I thanked him and put it in neutral. As he pushed, another man across the road asked if he could assist. When I was safely off of the road, I thanked him again and he was on his way.

It began to pour down rain at this point and a lady in a different car stopped and asked me if I needed any help. I thanked her and told her help was on the way.

My hubby arrived and we called a tow truck. He retrieved everything from my car and we went home.

While no one wants to have car trouble, the entire experience left me feeling God’s presence. As Christians, we know that we will have our fair share of storms and difficulties, but the Bible promises us that we never have to endure them alone. From the moment my car stopped, I was offered help, not from one person, but from three.

The car trouble allowed me to see the goodness that still resides in most people, even thought the media would have us believe differently these days. I will probably never know who the guy was that moved my car safely from the road, but I know who placed him there at that exact moment and I said a prayer of thanks for him that night.

Having car trouble in the rain reminded me that we truly never walk alone. Perhaps you needed reminding too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂

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The Desire to Be Known

Jesus knows your story.

We live in a society where everyone wants to be known. One quick scroll through social media and we find everything from people’s vacation photos to what they cooked last night for dinner. There’s certainly nothing wrong with sharing photos and milestones on social media; I love keeping up with the happenings of friends and family when I can’t see them in person.

Sometimes though, the sharing becomes a comparison game. We want the world to see and acknowledge our perfect spouses, houses, children and lives. There seems to be a deep need for recognition from people.

The Gospel of Matthew shows us another way.

In Matthew 28:1, the text says that, “After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.”

How would we react today at being referred to as “the other Mary” in an important news story?  Did the writer not know her last name, or did he just not care?

Was it because women didn’t matter much during that time?

While that could be the case, I don’t think it was.

Maybe omitting her last name was on purpose because her last name truly didn’t matter. The story was not about either of the women. It was about the Resurrected Christ.

In Matthew’s account, in ten short verses, these two women encountered angels, saw an empty tomb and then encountered a very much alive, Jesus. When they saw Him, “they clasped his feet and worshiped him.” Matthew 28:9b.

Jesus told them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” Matthew 28:10

Why would Jesus choose to appear to women first if they had no worth?

The Gospel shows us repeatedly that Jesus valued women and that women freely and openly worshiped Him.

Perhaps that humility is why He chose to appear to them first. When they saw Him, they immediately worshiped Him.

These two women literally got to be the first. They were clearly both known by Him and I’ve no doubt that they are now spending eternity with Him.

I suppose we have all felt like the “other Mary” at one time or another. We all know Mary Magdalene’s story. We know nothing about the “other Mary,” but we should be encouraged because the truth is that Jesus knew everything about her.

Another truth is, He knows your name and your story too and in the end, that’s all that matters. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 😊

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A Call to Community

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

In the past week, I have read and heard several different devotions and sermons that focused on the Road to Emmaus account found in Luke 24:13-35. I have learned to pay attention when the same scripture crosses my path within a short period of time because God often uses His Word to communicate with us. So, when my hubby casually mentioned that the same scripture was the topic in his men’s prayer group, I knew I needed to sit down and prayerfully read the account again.

There’s so much to learn in those twenty-two verses.

I think it’s noteworthy that when two followers are discussing Jesus, He joins them. They weren’t in a place of worship. There was nothing formal. They were simply discussing Jesus, the crucifixion and the accounts of the resurrection.

Of course, Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, “Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

We can always trust Jesus to keep His promises.

I also love that when Jesus was going to depart and they asked Him to stay, He stayed. These men were in shock and disbelief over what they had seen and what they had heard, yet they were wholeheartedly seeking Jesus. When we humbly seek Jesus with open hearts, He will always be there.

Even when we can’t see Him, He is there.

But, I suppose what spoke to me most, was what happened in the breaking of the bread.

The text says, “Jesus took bread, gave thanks and began to give it to them.” Luke 24:32

When we sit down at a table to fill our physical need, but intentionally remember to give thanks to the One who ultimately provided it, we are openly acknowledging that we are both physical and spiritual beings. When we ask God to bless what we are about to eat, we take it a step further.

We live in an ongoing tension on this side of eternity. It’s easy to recognize the physical. It’s right in front of us. But, acknowledging our spiritual needs takes effort and discipline.

Jesus didn’t have to give thanks for that bread; He is part of the Trinity, but He chose to give thanks, probably so those two men would always remember to do the same.

Verse 31 tells us that when He gave them the bread, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.

Even though Jesus left them right after they realized who He was, those two men returned at once to tell the other disciples that they too, had seen the risen Christ. Keep in mind, it was a seven mile trip, so that was 14 miles for them in a single day. They couldn’t wait to share what they had learned.

Maybe we need to be reminded of the importance of breaking bread with other believers. Community is so important.

Scripture has a way of meeting us where we are. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 😊

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Fig Tree Inspiration

We always have the choice between mourning for what was or celebrating what is.

About a month ago, we had some unseasonably warm weather. Everything started blooming. Then, we were slammed with a cold snap. For four nights, my hubby and I covered our tender hydrangeas. Unfortunately, we couldn’t cover our fig tree. It’s really big, but also very established and we felt like it would be ok.

It had already put out some nice big leaves. While the hydrangeas that we were able to cover had little brown spots on the ends of their leaves showing some damage, the fig leaves turned completely brown and withered. The hydrangeas bounced back fairly quickly, but our fig tree showed no sign of life for a long time.

I began to worry about it a little bit. Had the cold snap killed that mature tree?

Finally, I saw some signs of life, a few little green nodes. It was slow, but it finally started coming back. I removed most of the dead leaves, but a few were too high for me to reach. As I was examining it this week, I was amazed at all of the new green growth bursting around what looked completely dead. I had allowed myself to become discouraged because I couldn’t see signs of life.

But, that fig tree, with its established, deep root system, was at work beneath the surface. Life was still there and regeneration was going on even though I couldn’t see it.

As I looked at the withered leaves still hanging on the branches among the new bright green ones, I was reminded how easily we can get discouraged in our own cold and dark seasons. We too, sometimes believe that our prayers aren’t heard or that growth, regeneration and redemption aren’t possible.

But, God sometimes starts at our roots and the important, hard work that goes on, happens on the inside. That work and growth sometimes take a lot longer than we think it should. We wonder if change will ever occur, but then it does and life bursts forth, just like those tender brand new leaves.

I could mourn what was lost when I think how big the original leaves would have been without the cold snap.

Looking back and mourning what could have been is always a choice.

But, as I marvel at a tree that looked completely lifeless a couple of weeks ago, I choose to celebrate its life and new growth, so very thankful that it made it through a dark time. It reminds me that I should do the same during my own dark times. Sometimes I need reminding. Perhaps you do too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 🙂

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He is Still in the Boulder Moving Business

He is still in the boulder moving business.

I recently watched an Easter service where the pastor showed a picture of what the boulder probably looked like that sealed Jesus’ tomb. It was massive. Most internet searches say it would have weighed somewhere between one and two tons.

That photo sprang to mind when I later read Mark 16: 1-3: “When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. 2 Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb 3 and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?”

I marvel at their faith. They loved Jesus. They wanted to serve Him in the best way they knew how, which was anointing His body. They got up first thing in the morning, got what they had together and went to serve. There was no physical way they could move that stone, but they went anyway.

They brought what they had. They showed up and had faith God would too.

Their faith was rewarded.

“But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away.” Mark 16:4

Their stubborn desire to serve Jesus with the gifts that they had, gave them a front row seat to the greatest miracle ever bestowed on humankind. In Mark’s Gospel, they were the first to witness an empty tomb.

How often do we make excuses for not being able to serve? We claim that we don’t have enough time, talent, or money. Sometimes we don’t set out on a particular mission because we don’t think we can make a difference. It’s a dark world we live in. Just turn on the news. Can a handful of believers change anything? Is there even a point in trying? Should we just stay at home and pray for Jesus to return?

These three women give us our answer.

We serve a living God who is still in the stone moving business. He moved that boulder on the first Easter morning and He is still moving boulders.

Our job is not to doubt our abilities or focus on our lack of resources. Our job is to bring what we have and serve, no matter how big or small the mission may seem, remembering in God’s hands nothing is impossible. Three determined women reminded me. Perhaps you needed reminding too.

Have an awesome day!

Wendy 😊

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Easter is Coming!

He is risen!

We are at the end of Holy Week. It’s supposed to rain today. It always seems to be either gray or raining on Good Friday. It’s almost as if creation itself, remembers and mourns the day that mankind decided to kill God. It appeared, for a time, that we succeeded.

As Jesus’ followers mourned and Peter was filled with remorse over his denial, evil celebrated. I truly cannot imagine how dark that Friday and Saturday must have been.

But, God had a plan.

Aren’t we thankful for any statement that begins with “But, God,”? It always means the miraculous is about to happen, so you better buckle up.

As horrific as that weekend must have been, God knew Sunday was coming. So, when Mary went to the tomb, just as she was supposed to according to Jewish law, she was met by the resurrected Jesus and history was changed forever.

And Peter was forgiven. He took his second chance to acknowledge Jesus and ran with it. He became the Rock that Jesus knew he could be.

As we sit in the gloom of Good Friday, mankind looks as evil as ever. There are those who are still actively trying to kill God and they too, seem to be succeeding.

But, take heart friends; God still has a plan.

Easter is coming.

As dark as our days might be, they aren’t as dark as that Friday and Saturday were. Those believers didn’t have the benefit of living on the Sunday side of the cross.

Let’s take some time this weekend to remember the sheer weight of Friday and Saturday, but when Sunday comes, let’s truly celebrate as a people who are forgiven and loved by a God who is very much alive. He is risen! Praise God!

Happy Easter!

Wendy 🙂

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